What is this?

Population growth is the term used to refer to the increase in the number of organisms occupying a given area over time. As an exponentially growing problem, population growth is mainly driven by multiple factors, such as increased longevity, improved nutrition and health care, reductions in infant mortality, increased fertility, and immigration. These population expansions have significant impacts on resources, economy, and global sustainability, making it a key topic in development research. Because the population of most developing countries is growing faster than can be met with adequate resources, population growth is a critical factor to consider when developing solutions to complex global issues.

See also: exponential growth, carrying capacity, ecological economics, economic growth

Earth and Humanity: Myth and Reality 43,432

William E. Rees: "The Fundamental Issue - Overshoot" | The Great Simplification #53 24,387

Gaya Herrington: "Humanity’s Soul: Life or Growth?" | The Great Simplification #57 6,261

Paul Ehrlich: “Was the Population Bomb Defused?” | The Great Simplification #09 5,830

Rex Weyler: “Crisis in the Ecology Movement” | The Great Simplification #11 4,228

Chuck Watson “From MAD to NUTS: Risk, Nukes, & Climate Change” | The Great Simplification #04 3,283

John Gowdy: “Superorganisms, Crazy Ants, and Fire Apes, Oh My!" | The Great Simplification #14 2,891